Friday, July 10, 2015

Presidents and UFOlogy

President John F. Kennedy (D) sent a memo in November of 1963, to the
CIA Director, seeking documents about UFOs, just 10 days before he was
assassinated. In a letter dated Nov. 12, 1963, JFK wanted a review of all UFO intelligence files that might affect national security. On the same day, Kennedy sent a separate memo to NASA, indicating he wanted to cooperate with the then-Soviet Union on outer space activities.

Then in 1966, Michigan Rep. Gerald Ford (R), before becoming president in the 1970s, called for an official government hearing on the subject of UFOs after his home state experienced a wave of sightings. This was the incident which resulted in the famous use of the phrase "swamp gas" as a possible explanation for UFOs. Ford wrote a letter to the House Armed Services committee that read, in part: "In the firm belief that the American public deserves a better explanation than that thus far given by the Air Force, I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject."

In 1969, then Georgia Governor Jimmy Carter (D) filed an official report in which he claimed to have seen a UFO. He described it as a "self-luminous" object "as bright as the moon." Most skeptics and debunkers have maintained that the future president had only misidentified the planet Venus in Leary, Ga.

In 1975, then Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater (R) revealed that he had attempted in vain to find out what was in the building at Wright-Patterson
Air Force Base in Ohio, where UFO information was allegedly stored.
Goldwater's request to tour that specific building was denied because it was classified above Top Secret. In a 1988 Larry King interview, Goldwater stated that he believed secret government UFO investigations were going on.

As for California Gov. Ronald Reagan (R) in 1974 he was one of four people in a Cessna Citation airplane who witnessed and watched intently - an unusual object that was a steady light which elongated and went from a normal cruising speed to a rapid acceleration. Ronald Reagan related to the Wall Street Journal, "We followed it for several minutes. It was a bright white light, and all of a sudden to our utter amazement, it went straight up into the heavens."

A number of years later in 1987,  President Ronald Reagan (R) addressed the United Nations General Assembly:

"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world."
Reagan wrote in his diary that 300 astronauts were encircling the Earth but he did not elaborate.

In 2004 New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (D), and 2008 presidential candidate, requested that the U.S. government declassify all Roswell UFO documents. Gov. Richardson wrote: "The mystery surrounding this crash has never been adequately explained. Clearly, it would help everyone if the U.S. government disclosed everything it knows. The American people can handle the truth -- no matter how bizarre or mundane."

In 2005, former U.S. President Bill Clinton (D), spoke to an audience in Hong Kong, where he discussed UFOs, Roswell and even Area 51. Clinton stated,"The Roswell thing, I think, really was an illusion - I don't think it happened. I did attempt to find out if there were any secret government documents that reveal things, and if there were, they were concealed from me, too. I wouldn't be the first president that underlings have lied to or that career bureaucrats have waited out. But there may be some career
person, sitting around somewhere, hiding these dark secrets, even from elected presidents. But, if so, they successfully eluded me, and I'm almost embarrassed to tell you I did try to find out."

Clinton could not find out anything and no one would fill him in on anything so the whole matter "was an illusion"? This is like saying,"Nobody would describe waves in California, and I asked a number of people, so there are no waves in California, they are just an illusion perhaps made up to lure people from the other 49 states to go to California expecting to "surf" finding only sand, thereby increasing the tourist trade."

In 2007, former Clinton White House Chief of Staff John Podesta (D)
told a National Press Club press conference that there is a dire need for UFO disclosure: "I think it's time to open the books on questions that have remained in the dark and the question of government investigations of UFOs. It's time to find out what the truth really is that's out there. We ought to do it because the American people, quite frankly, can handle the truth."

It happened in 2010. New Hampshire State Representative Henry W. McElroy (R) recorded a video on which he claimed to have seen a briefing document from the 1950s that described how benevolent aliens were present in the U.S. and that a meeting could be arranged between them and former President Eisenhower.
Oddly enough, then President Eisenhower allegedly did have THREE meetings with aliens in 1954 according to persistent stories that President Eisenhower visited Edwards Air Force Base in early 1954, and either viewed the bodies of dead aliens and the wreckage of their craft, or met with live aliens on some sort of diplomatic mission to earth. One excuse for a disappearance was a dentist visit but many thank you letters concerning the February 1954 Palm Springs inadvertently left out the dentist as if it had only been a ruse.

One account holds that four elderly gentlemen in their 80s had fearlessly met the aliens! One, Gerald Light wrote in a letter to a confidante dated April 16 1954, mentioning his fear, dismay, and consternation: “I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism. For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realised their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description.”
While being seen as appropriate to gather silver-haired elders, what if the sheer shock had caused heart failure? Were they briefed beforehand and questioned about their health and robust overall hardiness?

It was reported that before June 4, 2015, that President Barack Hussein Obama had appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel show and spoke of UFOs. This is significant for three reasons namely:

1) It is extremely doubtful that the President would ever appear on a major talk show without knowing what the questions are beforehand so he could prepare and perhaps research some apt answers. Obama therefore probably knew he would be questioned about UFOs.

2) Obama discusses UFOs a lot, especially when one considers that in the Carter administration and the three Bush administrations the U-word was never spoken even ONCE.

3) Then when Obama was asked what he had done about the UFO subject, Obama replies with the exact same answer he would give had he been SWORN to secrecy about UFOs, "I can't reveal anything."

Obama's CIA Director, John Podesta confessed in a TWEET that he had failed
in 2014 to get the UFO subject declassified.
400 US Billionaires

#1 Bill Gates $78.2 B $81 B 59 (Funky Cold) Medina, WA Microsoft His heroine HRC who says she is a "B"*****************************************
#2 Warren Buffett $65.1 B $67 B 84 Omaha, NE Berkshire Hathaway 85% charity to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation**************************************************
#3 Larry Ellison $49.9 B $50 B 70 Woodside, CA Co-Founder & CEO of Oracle Corporation 40,000 Employees & $185M Business ****************************************************
#4 Charles Koch $40.6 B $42 B 79 Wichita, KS diversified Koch Industries - Employs 60,000 Americans in 12 industries*************************************************
#4 David Koch $40.6 B $42 B 75 New York, NY diversified  Koch Industries - 60,000 Employs Americans in 12 industries**************************************************
#6 Jeff Bezos $39.2 B $30.5 B 51 Seattle, WA   Bezos Family Foundation*********************
#7 Mark Zuckerberg $37.7 B $34 B 31 Palo Alto, CA Facebook stiff competetion from************************
#8 Christy Walton $36.4 B $38 B 60 Jackson, WY Wal-Mart Fair wages with generous benefits***********************************************

#9 Michael Bloomberg $36.2 B $35 B 73 New York, NY Bloomberg LP donated $100 Million Cornell Tech***********************************************
#10 Jim Walton $35.4 B $36 B 67 Bentonville, AR Wal-Mart Fair wages/generous benefits***********************************************
#11 Alice Walton $34.2 B $34.9 B 65 Fort Worth, TX Wal-Mart Fair wages/generous benefits***********************************************

#12 S. Robson Walton $33.9 B $34.8 B 71 Bentonville, AR Wal-Mart Fair wages/generous benefits***********************************************

#13 Larry Page $29 B $31.5 B 42 Palo Alto, CA Co-founder Google which owns YouTube - Engineer/Inventor ***********************************************
#14 Sheldon G. Adelson $28.8 B $32 B 81 Las Vegas, NV Sands casinos Pennsylvania Macau and Singapore casinos - Coalition to Stop Online Gambling (CSIG) & $92 vs worst POTUS in US history - a hero***********************************************
#15 Sergey Brin $28.5 B $31 B 41 Los Altos, CA Co-founder Googol 1 + 100 zeros ***********************************************

#16 Forrest Mars Jr $25.9 B $22 B 83 Big Horn, WY candy ***********************************************
#16 Jacqueline Mars $25.9 B $22 B 75 The Plains, VA candy ***********************************************
#16 John Mars $25.9 B $22 B 79 Jackson, WY candy 
#19 Phil Knight $24.5 B $19.9 B 77 Hillsboro, OR Nike ***********************************************
#20 George Soros $24.2 B $24 B 84 Katonah, NY hedge funds being #1 enemy of home country formerly UK enemy***********************************************
#21 Steve Ballmer $21.7 B $22.5 B 59 Hunts Point, WA Microsoft Owns sport team Clippers 
#22 Carl Icahn $21.4 B $26 B 79 New York, NY investments ***********************************************
#23 Laurene Powell Jobs $20.7 B $16.6 B 51 Palo Alto, CA Apple, Disney #24 Len Blavatnik $20.6 B $21.5 B 58 London diversified #25 Michael Dell $18.3 B $17.7 B 50 Austin, TX Dell ***********************************************
#26 Anne Cox Chambers $17.4 B $16.1 B 95 Atlanta, GA media ***********************************************
#27 Charles Ergen $17.4 B $17.2 B 62 Denver, CO Dish Network ***********************************************
#28 Paul Allen $17.4 B $17 B 62 Mercer Island, WA Microsoft, investments ***********************************************
#29 Ray Dalio $15.4 B $15.2 B 65 Greenwich, CT hedge funds #30 Donald Bren $15.2 B $15.1 B 83 Newport Beach, CA real estate ***********************************************
#31 Ronald Perelman $14.7 B $14.5 B 72 New York, NY leveraged buyouts ***********************************************
#32 James Simons $14 B $12.5 B 77 East Setauket, NY hedge funds ***********************************************
#33 Elon Musk $13.4 B $10.3 B 44 Los Angeles, CA Tesla Motors ***********************************************
#34 Rupert Murdoch $13.2 B $14.2 B 84 New York, NY media ***********************************************
#35 Philip Anschutz $12.7 B $11.1 B 75 Denver, CO investments ***********************************************
#36 Andrew Beal $12.5 B $12.1 B 62 Dallas, TX banks, real estate ***********************************************
#37 Jack Taylor $12.4 B $13.8 B 92 St. Louis, MO Enterprise Rent-A-Car ***********************************************
#38 Stephen Schwarzman $12.4 B $10.6 B 68 New York, NY investments ***********************************************
#39 Abigail Johnson $12.4 B $13.3 B 53 Milton, MA money management ***********************************************
#40 Patrick Soon-Shiong $12.2 B $12 B 63 Los Angeles, CA pharmaceuticals ***********************************************
#41 Steve Cohen $11.4 B $10.3 B 59 Greenwich, CT hedge funds ***********************************************
#42 John Paulson $11.2 B $13.7 B 59 New York, NY hedge funds ***********************************************
#43 Thomas Peterffy $11.1 B $9.1 B 70 Greenwich, CT discount brokerage ***********************************************
#44 Richard Kinder $10.9 B $10.7 B 70 Houston, TX pipelines ***********************************************
#45 Charles Butt $10.4 B $9.8 B 77 San Antonio, TX supermarkets Father was H.E. Butt AKA "ITCHY***********************************************
#46 David Tepper $10.4 B $10 B 57 Livingston, NJ hedge funds ***********************************************
#47 Harold Hamm $9.8 B $18.7 B 69 Oklahoma City, OK oil & gas ***********************************************
#48 Leonard Lauder $9.4 B $8.2 B 82 New York, NY Estee Lauder ***********************************************
#49 George Kaiser $9.3 B $10.6 B 72 Tulsa, OK oil & gas, banking ***********************************************
#50 Thomas Frist Jr $9.2 B $7.6 B 76 Nashville, TN health care ***********************************************
#51 Samuel Newhouse Jr $9.1 B $9.5 B 87 New York, NY media ***********************************************
#52 Eric Schmidt $9 B $9.3 B 60 Atherton, CA Google ***********************************************
#53 Dustin Moskovitz $8.9 B $8.1 B 31 San Francisco, CA Facebook ***********************************************
#54 John Menard Jr $8.7 B $7.9 B 75 Eau Claire, WI retail ***********************************************
#55 Blair Parry-Okeden $8.7 B $8 B 64 Scone media ***********************************************
#55 Jim Kennedy $8.7 B $8 B 67 Atlanta, GA media ***********************************************
#57 Pierre Omidyar $8.5 B $8.2 B 48 Honolulu, HI Ebay ***********************************************
#58 John Malone $8.4 B $7.7 B 74 Elizabeth, CO cable television ***********************************************
#59 Donald Newhouse $8.3 B $8.7 B 85 Somerset County, NJ media ***********************************************
#60 Hank & Doug Meijer $7.9 B $8 B - Grand Rapids, MI supermarkets ***********************************************
#61 Micky Arison $7.6 B $6.4 B 66 Bal Harbour, FL Carnival Cruises ***********************************************
#62 James Goodnight $7.5 B $7.7 B 72 Cary, NC software ***********************************************
#63 Jan Koum $7.3 B $7.6 B 39 Santa Clara, CA WhatsApp ***********************************************
#64 Leslie Wexner $7.2 B $6.2 B 77 New Albany, OH retail ***********************************************
#65 Eli Broad $7.1 B $7.2 B 82 Los Angeles, CA investments ***********************************************
#66 Ralph Lauren $6.9 B $8 B 75 New York, NY Ralph Lauren ***********************************************
#67 Edward Johnson III $6.8 B $7.3 B 85 Boston, MA money management ***********************************************
#68 Charles Schwab $6.8 B $6.5 B 77 Atherton, CA discount brokerage ***********************************************
#69 David Geffen $6.8 B $6.7 B 72 Malibu, CA entertainment ***********************************************
#70 Carl Cook $6.6 B $6 B 52 Bloomington, IN medical devices ***********************************************
#71 Kelcy Warren $6.6 B $6.1 B 59 Dallas, TX pipelines ***********************************************
#72 Ken Griffin $6.6 B $5.5 B 46 Chicago, IL hedge funds ***********************************************
#73 Richard LeFrak $6.6 B $5.8 B 69 New York, NY real estate ***********************************************
#74 Stephen Ross $6.5 B $6 B 75 New York, NY real estate ***********************************************
#75 David Duffield $6.5 B $7.4 B 74 Blackhawk, CA business software ***********************************************
#76 Stanley Kroenke $6.3 B $5.7 B 67 Columbia, MO sports, real estate ***********************************************
#77 Charles Johnson $6.2 B $6.7 B 82 Palm Beach, FL money management ***********************************************
#78 Jin Sook & Do Won Chang $6.2 B $5.2 B 60 Beverly Hills, CA fashion retail ***********************************************
#79 Hansjoerg Wyss $6.1 B n/a 80 Wilson, WY medical devices ***********************************************
#80 Ira Rennert $6.1 B $6.3 B 81 New York, NY investments ***********************************************
#81 David Green $6.1 B $5 B 73 Oklahoma City, OK retail ***********************************************
#82 Gordon Moore $6 B $7 B 86 Woodside, CA Intel ***********************************************
#83 Bruce Halle $5.9 B $4.7 B 85 Paradise Valley, AZ tires Chinese and Canadian ***********************************************
#84 Sumner Redstone $5.8 B $6.5 B 92 Beverly Hills, CA Media ***********************************************
#85 Pauline MacMillan Keinath $5.7 B $3.8 B 81 St. Louis, MO Cargill If your car has gills it might be a fish***********************************************
#86 Rupert Johnson Jr $5.7 B $6.3 B 74 Burlingame, CA money management ***********************************************

#87 Dennis Washington $5.6 B $6 B 80 Missoula, MT construction, mining ***********************************************
#88 Robert Rowling $5.5 B $6 B 61 Dallas, TX investments ***********************************************
#89 Herbert Kohler Jr $5.5 B $5.6 B 76 Kohler, WI plumbing fixtures ***********************************************
#90 Richard DeVos $5.5 B $6 B 89 Holland, MI Amway ***********************************************
#91 Dannine Avara $5.4 B $7 B 51 Houston, TX pipelines ***********************************************
#92 Milane Frantz $5.4 B $7 B 45 Houston, TX pipelines ***********************************************
#92 Scott Duncan $5.4 B $7 B 32 Houston, TX pipelines ***********************************************
#94 George Lucas $5.4 B $4.3 B 71 San Anselmo, CA Star Wars Indianna Jones***********************************************
#95 Randa Williams $5.4 B $7 B 53 Houston, TX pipelines **********************************************************************************************
#96 Travis Kalanick $5.3 B $3 B 38 San Francisco, CA car service*********************************************** 
#97 Leonard Stern $5.3 B $4.9 B 77 New York, NY real estate **********************************************************************************************
#98 Phillip Frost $5.2 B $3.7 B 78 Miami Beach, FL pharmaceuticals Followed Great Gatsby, but passed on the pool?***********************************************
#99 Randal Kirk $5.1 B $3.1 B 61 Manalapan, FL pharmaceuticals Followed Great Gatsby but passed on the pool*********************************************** 
#100 George Roberts $5.1 B $5.1 B 71 Atherton, CA private equity Followed Great Gatsby but no pool***********************************************
#101 Leon Black $5.1 B $5.2 B 64 New York, NY private equity ***********************************************
#102 Ray Lee Hunt $5 B $6.1 B 72 Dallas, TX oil, real estate ***********************************************
#103 Henry Kravis $5 B $5 B 71 New York, NY private equity ***********************************************
#104 Bruce Kovner $5 B $4.9 B 70 New York, NY hedge funds ***********************************************
#105 Daniel Ziff $5 B $4.9 B 43 New York, NY investments ***********************************************
#105 Dirk Ziff $5 B $4.9 B 51 North Palm Beach, FL investments ***********************************************
#105 Robert Ziff $5 B $4.9 B 48 New York, NY investments ***********************************************
#108 Michael & Marian Ilitch $5 B $4 B 85 Bingham Farms, MI pizza ***********************************************
#109 Ann Walton Kroenke $4.9 B $5 B 66 Columbia, MO Wal-Mart Fair non-union grabbed wages, good benefits***********************************************
#110 Ted Lerner $4.8 B $4.5 B 89 Chevy Chase, MD real estate ***********************************************
#111 Sam Zell $4.8 B $4.8 B 73 Chicago, IL real estate, private equity ***********************************************
#112 Charles Dolan $4.8 B $3.9 B 88 Oyster Bay, NY cable television ***********************************************
#113 Whitney MacMillan $4.7 B $3.8 B 86 Minneapolis, MN Cargill You car has gills?
#114 Daniel Gilbert $4.7 B $4.2 B 53 Franklin, MI Quicken Loans ***********************************************
#115 John A. Sobrato $4.7 B $4.6 B 76 Atherton, CA real estate ***********************************************
#116 Mark Shoen $4.6 B $4 B 63 Phoenix, AZ U-Haul ***********************************************
#117 Paul Tudor Jones II $4.6 B $4.3 B 60 Greenwich, CT hedge funds ***********************************************
#118 Elizabeth Holmes $4.6 B $4.5 B 31 Palo Alto, CA blood testing ***********************************************
#119 Shahid Khan $4.4 B $4.5 B 64 Naples, FL auto parts ***********************************************
#120 David Sun $4.4 B $4.8 B 63 Irvine, CA computer hardware ***********************************************
#120 John Tu $4.4 B $4.8 B 74 Rolling Hills, CA computer hardware ***********************************************
#122 Trevor Rees-Jones $4.3 B $5.4 B 63 Dallas, TX oil & gas ***********************************************
#123 Andres Santo Domingo $4.3 B n/a 37 New York, NY beer BURP!***********************************************
#124 Alejandro Santo Domingo $4.3 B n/a 38 New York, NY beer BURP! ***********************************************
#125 Karen Pritzker $4.3 B $4.1 B 57 Branford, CT hotels, investments ***********************************************
#126 Robert Kraft $4.3 B $4 B 74 Brookline, MA New England Patriots ***********************************************
#127 Jerry Jones $4.2 B $4.2 B 72 Dallas, TX Dallas Cowboys ***********************************************
#128 Tamara Gustavson $4.2 B $3.6 B 53 Malibu, CA self storage ***********************************************
#129 Jeffrey Skoll $4.2 B $3.8 B 50 Los Angeles, CA Ebay ***********************************************
#130 John Morris $4.1 B $4.5 B 67 Springfield, MO sporting goods retail*********************************************** 
#131 Donald Trump $4.1 B $4 B 69 New York, NY television, real estate*********************************************** 
#132 Jeffery Hildebrand $4.1 B $6.5 B 56 Houston, TX oil ***********************************************
#133 Isaac Perlmutter $4.1 B $3.5 B 72 Palm Beach, FL Marvel comics ***********************************************
#134 David Shaw $4.1 B $3.8 B 64 New York, NY hedge funds ***********************************************
#135 Nancy Walton Laurie $4.1 B $4.2 B 64 Henderson, NV Wal-Mart Fair wages, good benefits***********************************************
#136 Stewart and Lynda Resnick $4.1 B $3.8 B - Beverly Hills, CA agriculture, water ***********************************************
#137 Edward Roski Jr $4 B $3.7 B 76 Los Angeles, CA real estate ***********************************************
#138 George Lindemann $4 B $3.8 B 79 Palm Beach, FL investments ***********************************************
#139 Jerry Speyer $4 B $4 B 75 New York, NY real estate ***********************************************
#140 Reinhold Schmieding $4 B $3.5 B 60 Naples, FL medical devices ***********************************************
#141 Ronald Lauder $4 B $3.8 B 71 New York, NY Estee Lauder No Louder than most***********************************************
#142 Martha Ingram $3.9 B $3.9 B 79 Nashville, TN book distribution, transportation*********************************************** 
#143 Reid Hoffman $3.9 B $4.1 B 48 Palo Alto, CA LinkedIn ***********************************************
#144 J. Christopher Reyes $3.8 B $3.7 B 61 Hobe Sound, FL food distribution*********************************************** 
#144 Jude Reyes $3.8 B $3.7 B 59 Palm Beach, FL food distribution ***********************************************
#146 Steven Rales $3.8 B $3.5 B 64 Santa Barbara, CA manufacturing ***********************************************
#147 Tom & Judy Love $3.8 B $3.3 B 77 Oklahoma City, OK retail & gas stations ***********************************************
#148 Israel Englander $3.8 B $3.4 B 66 New York, NY hedge funds ***********************************************
#149 Daniel Och $3.8 B $3.7 B 54 Scarsdale, NY hedge funds ***********************************************
#150 Terrence Pegula $3.8 B $4.6 B 64 Boca Raton, FL natural gas ***********************************************
#151 Brian Acton $3.8 B $3.4 B 43 Palo Alto, CA WhatsApp ***********************************************
#152 Roger Wang $3.8 B $3.3 B 66 Nanjing retail ***********************************************
#153 Ronda Stryker $3.8 B $3.4 B 61 Portage, MI medical equipment ***********************************************
#154 Frederick Smith $3.8 B $3.5 B 70 Memphis, TN FedEx ***********************************************
#155 Bernard Marcus $3.7 B $3 B 86 Atlanta, GA Home Depot ***********************************************
#156 Lynn Schusterman $3.7 B $3.8 B 76 Tulsa, OK oil & gas, investments ***********************************************
#157 John Sall $3.7 B $3.8 B 67 Cary, NC software ***********************************************
#158 H. Ross Perot Sr $3.7 B $3.9 B 85 Dallas, TX computer services, real estate ***********************************************
#159 Leon G. Cooperman $3.7 B $3.8 B 72 Short Hills, NJ hedge funds ***********************************************
#160 Steven Udvar-Hazy $3.7 B $3.7 B 69 Beverly Hills, CA aircraft leasing ***********************************************
#161 Marc Benioff $3.6 B $3.3 B 50 San Francisco, CA business software ***********************************************
#162 Walter Scott Jr $3.6 B $2.9 B 84 Omaha, NE utilities, telecom ***********************************************
#163 Sheldon Solow $3.6 B $3.6 B 86 New York, NY real estate ***********************************************
#164 Mitchell Rales $3.6 B $3.8 B 58 Potomac, MD manufacturing, investments ***********************************************
#165 Gwendolyn Sontheim Meyer $3.6 B $3.8 B 53 Rancho Santa Fe, CA Cargill ***********************************************
#166 Hoang Kieu $3.6 B n/a 71 Los Angeles, CA pharmaceuticals ***********************************************
#167 Steven Spielberg $3.6 B $3.6 B 68 Pacific Palisades, CA Movies gut vuns***********************************************
#168 Igor Olenicoff $3.6 B $3.3 B 72 Lighthouse Point, FL real estate ***********************************************
#169 Jeremy Jacobs Sr $3.6 B $3.2 B 75 East Aurora, NY sports concessions ***********************************************
#170 Jim Davis $3.6 B $3.3 B 72 Newton, MA New Balance ***********************************************
#171 Peter Kellogg $3.6 B $3.2 B 72 Short Hills, NJ investments ***********************************************
#172 John Doerr $3.5 B $3.3 B 64 Woodside, CA venture capital ***********************************************
#173 Kevin Plank $3.5 B $3 B 42 Lutherville, MD Under Armour ***********************************************
#174 Diane Hendricks $3.5 B $3.6 B 68 Afton, WI roofing ***********************************************
#175 James Jannard $3.5 B $3 B 66 San Juan Islands, WA sunglasses ***********************************************
#176 David Murdock $3.4 B $3 B 92 Los Angeles, CA Dole, real estate ***********************************************
#177 John Kapoor $3.4 B $2.4 B 71 Phoenix, AZ healthcare ***********************************************
#178 Julian Robertson Jr $3.4 B $3.3 B 83 New York, NY hedge funds ***********************************************
#179 Bubba Cathy $3.4 B n/a 61 Atlanta, GA Chick-Fil-A ***********************************************
#179 Dan Cathy $3.4 B n/a 62 Atlanta, GA Chick-Fil-A Regards to harry C***********************************************
#181 Christa Gelpke $3.4 B n/a - Mannheim pharmaceuticals ***********************************************
#182 Clayton Mathile $3.4 B $2.7 B 74 Brookville, OH pet food ***********************************************
#183 Haim Saban $3.4 B $3.4 B 70 Beverly Hills, CA TV network, investments ***********************************************
#184 Jay Robert (J.B.) Pritzker $3.3 B $3.4 B 50 Chicago, IL hotels, investments ***********************************************
#185 Anthony Pritzker $3.3 B $3.4 B 54 Los Angeles, CA hotels, investments*********************************************** 
#186 Archie Aldis Emmerson $3.3 B $3.3 B 86 Redding, CA timberland, lumber mills ***********************************************
#187 Robert Duggan $3.3 B $1.75 B 71 Palo Alto, CA pharmaceuticals ***********************************************
#188 Harry Stine $3.3 B $2.6 B 73 Adel, IA agriculture ***********************************************
#189 Ray Davis $3.3 B $3.1 B 73 Dallas, TX pipelines ***********************************************
#190 Austen Cargill II $3.2 B $2.6 B 64 Livingston, MT Cargill cars with gills?***********************************************
#190 James Cargill II $3.2 B $2.6 B 66 Birchwood, WI Cargill your car has gills?***********************************************
#190 Marianne Liebmann $3.2 B $2.6 B 62 Bozeman, MT Cargill ***********************************************
#193 Mary Alice Dorrance Malone $3.2 B $3 B 65 Coatesville, PA Campbell Soup ***********************************************
#194 Edward DeBartolo Jr $3.2 B $3.1 B 68 Tampa, FL shopping centers ***********************************************
#195 Dan Friedkin $3.2 B $3.3 B 50 Houston, TX Toyota dealerships ***********************************************
#196 Tom Gores $3.2 B $3 B 50 Beverly Hills, CA private equity ***********************************************
#197 Leandro Rizzuto $3.2 B $2.9 B 77 Sheridan, WY consumer products ***********************************************
#198 Andrew & Peggy Cherng $3.2 B $3 B - Las Vegas, NV restaurants ***********************************************
#199 Amos Hostetter Jr $3.2 B $3.1 B 78 Boston, MA cable television ***********************************************
#200 Jeff Sutton $3.2 B $3 B 55 Brooklyn, NY real estate ***********************************************
#201 David Rockefeller Sr $3.2 B $3 B 100 Sleepy Hollow, NY oil, banking ***********************************************
#202 H. Fisk Johnson $3.1 B $2.2 B 57 Racine, WI cleaning products can't fax it...WAX it!***********************************************
#202 Helen Johnson-Leipold $3.1 B $2.2 B 58 Racine, WI cleaning products ***********************************************
#202 Imogene Powers Johnson $3.1 B $2.2 B 85 Racine, WI cleaning products ***********************************************
#202 S. Curtis Johnson $3.1 B $2.2 B 60 Racine, WI cleaning products ***********************************************
#202 Winnie Johnson-Marquart $3.1 B $2.2 B 56 Virginia Beach, VA cleaning products ***********************************************
#207 Stanley Druckenmiller $3.1 B $3.1 B 62 New York, NY hedge funds*********************************************** 
#208 Doris Fisher $3.1 B $3.3 B 83 San Francisco, CA Gap*********************************************** 
#209 Thomas Pritzker $3.1 B $3.2 B 65 Chicago, IL hotels, investments ***********************************************
#210 Jorge Perez $3.1 B $3.1 B 65 Miami, FL condos ***********************************************
#211 Dagmar Dolby $3.1 B $3.5 B 74 San Francisco, CA Dolby Laboratories*********************************************** 
#212 James Leprino $3.1 B $3 B 77 Indian Hills, CO cheese ***********************************************
#213 Joan Tisch $3.1 B $3 B 89 New York, NY diversified ***********************************************
#214 John Catsimatidis $3.1 B $2.3 B 66 New York, NY oil, real estate, supermarkets ***********************************************
#215 Mark Cuban $3 B $2.7 B 56 Dallas, TX online media ***********************************************
#216 Robert Rich Jr $3 B $3 B 74 Islamorada, FL frozen foods*********************************************** 
#217 Wilbur Ross Jr $3 B $3 B 77 Palm Beach, FL investments ***********************************************
#218 Warren Stephens $3 B $3 B 58 Little Rock, AR investment banking ***********************************************
#219 Jeff Greene $3 B $3 B 60 Palm Beach, FL real estate, investments ***********************************************
#220 Neil Bluhm $3 B $2.8 B 77 Chicago, IL real estate 
#221 W. Herbert Hunt $3 B $2.8 B 86 Dallas, TX oil 
#222 Oprah Winfrey $3 B $3 B 61 Montecito, CA television Not that long ago measly $600 million.Whata bigoted country!***********************************************
#223 John Fisher $2.9 B $3 B 54 San Francisco, CA Gap ***********************************************
#224 Donald Sterling $2.9 B $2.8 B 79 Beverly Hills, CA real estate***********************************************
#225 Jack Dangermond $2.9 B $2.7 B 69 Redlands, CA mapping software Dangermond Will Robinson Dangermond!***********************************************
#226 David Filo $2.9 B $3.3 B 49 Palo Alto, CA Yahoo ***********************************************
#227 David Rubenstein $2.9 B $3 B 65 Bethesda, MD private equity ***********************************************
#228 Daniel D'Aniello $2.8 B $3 B 68 Vienna, VA private equity ***********************************************
#229 Steve Wynn $2.8 B $3.5 B 73 Las Vegas, NV casinos, hotels ***********************************************
#230 John Paul DeJoria $2.8 B $2.8 B 71 Austin, TX hair products, tequila GOOD COMBINATION ***********************************************
#231 William Conway Jr $2.8 B $3 B 65 McLean, VA private equity ***********************************************
#232 Howard Schultz $2.8 B $2.1 B 61 Seattle, WA Starbucks ***********************************************
#233 Riley Bechtel $2.8 B $4 B 63 San Francisco, CA engineering, construction ***********************************************
#233 Stephen Bechtel Jr $2.8 B $4 B 90 San Francisco, CA engineering, construction ***********************************************
#235 Sean Parker $2.8 B $3 B 35 New York, NY Facebook ***********************************************
#236 George Bishop $2.8 B $3 B 78 The Woodlands, TX oil & gas ***********************************************
#236 Richard Rainwater $2.8 B $2.7 B 71 Fort Worth, TX real estate, energy, insurance ***********************************************
#238 Herbert Simon $2.7 B $2.3 B 80 Indianapolis, IN real estate ***********************************************
#239 Robert Bass $2.7 B $3 B 67 Fort Worth, TX oil, investments ***********************************************
#240 Peter Buck $2.7 B $2.6 B 84 Danbury, CT Subway sandwich shops ***********************************************
#241 Kenneth Langone $2.7 B $2.4 B 79 Sands Point, NY investments ***********************************************
#242 Jimmy Haslam $2.7 B $1.8 B 61 Knoxville, TN retail ***********************************************
#243 A. Jerrold Perenchio $2.7 B $2.7 B 84 Bel Air, CA television, Univision ***********************************************
#244 Ken Fisher $2.7 B $2.7 B 64 Camas, WA money management ***********************************************
#245 Stephen Bisciotti $2.7 B $2.6 B 55 Millersville, MD outsourcing, f-ball **********************************************
#246 Michael Rubin $2.7 B $2.7 B 42 Bryn Mawr, PA online retailing **********************************************
#247 Fred DeLuca $2.7 B $2.6 B 67 Fort Lauderdale, FL Subway sandwich shops **********************************************
#248 Richard Schulze $2.7 B $2.6 B 74 Bonita Springs, FL Best Buy AKA Chuck's "Buy More"**********************************************
#249 Herbert Louis $2.6 B $2.2 B 87 Phoenix, AZ cleaning products **********************************************
#249 Josephine Louis $2.6 B $2.2 B 85 Winnetka, IL cleaning products **********************************************
#249 Karen Johnson Boyd $2.6 B $2.2 B 91 Mount Pleasant, WI cleaning products **********************************************
#252 Judy Faulkner $2.6 B $2.4 B 71 Madison, WI health IT **********************************************
#253 H. Wayne Huizenga $2.6 B $2.6 B 77 Fort Lauderdale, FL investments **********************************************
#254 Tilman J. Fertitta $2.6 B $2.4 B 58 Houston, TX restaurants, casinos CEO Landry's, Golden Nugget**********************************************
#255 Patrick Ryan $2.6 B $2.4 B 78 Winnetka, IL insurance **********************************************
#256 Michael Moritz $2.6 B $2.5 B 60 San Francisco, CA venture capital **********************************************
#257 Ron Burkle $2.6 B $2.6 B 62 London supermarkets, investments **********************************************
#258 William Wrigley Jr $2.6 B $2.6 B 51 North Palm Beach, FL chewing gum **********************************************
#259 Bernard Saul II $2.6 B $2.6 B 83 Chevy Chase, MD banking, real estate **********************************************
#260 Joshua Harris $2.6 B $2.6 B 50 New York, NY private equity **********************************************
#261 John Arnold $2.6 B $2.9 B 41 Houston, TX hedge funds **********************************************
#262 David Bonderman $2.6 B $2.6 B 72 Fort Worth, TX private equity **********************************************
#263 Gary Rollins $2.5 B $2.7 B 70 Atlanta, GA pest control **********************************************
#264 Randall Rollins $2.5 B $2.7 B 83 Atlanta, GA pest control **********************************************
#265 Bharat Desai $2.5 B $2.5 B 62 Fisher Island, FL Outsourcing **********************************************
#266 Henry Samueli $2.5 B $2.2 B 60 Newport Beach, CA semiconductors **********************************************
#267 Dean White $2.5 B $2 B 92 Crown Point, IN billboards, hotels **********************************************
#268 Daniel Loeb $2.5 B $2.3 B 53 New York, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#268 Henry Hillman $2.5 B $2.5 B 96 Pittsburgh, PA investments **********************************************
#270 Min Kao $2.5 B $2.9 B 66 Leawood, KS navigation equipment **********************************************
#271 Forrest Preston $2.5 B $2 B 82 Cleveland, TN health care **********************************************
#272 Arthur Blank $2.5 B $2.2 B 72 Atlanta, GA Home Depot **********************************************
#273 Barry Diller $2.5 B $2.4 B 73 New York, NY online media **********************************************
#274 Romesh T. Wadhwani $2.5 B $2.5 B 67 Palo Alto, CA software **********************************************
#275 William Ackman $2.5 B $1.7 B 49 New York, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#276 Edward Lampert $2.5 B $3.1 B 52 Miami Beach, FL Sears **********************************************
#277 Michael Milken $2.5 B $2.5 B 69 Los Angeles, CA investments **********************************************
#278 Penny Pritzker $2.5 B $2.5 B 56 Chicago, IL hotels, investments **********************************************
#279 Ty Warner $2.5 B $2.3 B 70 Oak Brook, IL real estate, plush TY toys from China**********************************************
#280 Mortimer Zuckerman $2.4 B $2.4 B 78 New York, NY real estate, media **********************************************
#281 Jean (Gigi) Pritzker $2.4 B $2.5 B 53 Chicago, IL hotels, investments **********************************************
#282 B. Wayne Hughes $2.4 B $2.4 B 82 Lexington, KY self storage **********************************************
#283 Nicholas Woodman $2.4 B $3.9 B 40 Woodside, CA video cameras **********************************************
#284 Robert McNair $2.4 B $2.4 B 78 Houston, TX energy, sports **********************************************
#285 Marc Rowan $2.4 B $2.5 B 53 New York, NY private equity **********************************************
#286 Timothy Headington $2.4 B $2.8 B 65 Dallas, TX oil & gas, investments **********************************************
#287 Jack Dorsey $2.4 B $2.7 B 38 San Francisco, CA Twitter **********************************************
#288 Tom Golisano $2.4 B $2.1 B 73 Naples, FL payroll services **********************************************
#289 James Dinan $2.4 B $2.2 B 56 New York, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#290 Glen Taylor $2.4 B $1.7 B 74 Mankato, MN printing **********************************************
#291 Johnelle Hunt $2.3 B $2.2 B 83 Fayetteville, AR trucking **********************************************
#292 Bennett Dorrance $2.3 B $2.1 B 69 Paradise Valley, AZ Campbell Soup********************************************** 
#293 Bill Gross $2.3 B $2.3 B 71 Laguna Beach, CA investments **********************************************
#294 John Arrillaga $2.3 B $2.3 B 77 Portola Valley, CA real estate **********************************************
#295 William Koch $2.3 B $3.3 B 75 Palm Beach, FL oil, investments **********************************************
#296 Don Hankey $2.3 B $2.1 B 72 Malibu, CA auto loans **********************************************
#297 Clemmie Spangler Jr $2.3 B $2.3 B 83 Charlotte, NC investments **********************************************
#298 Stephen Mandel Jr $2.3 B $2.1 B 59 Greenwich, CT hedge funds **********************************************
#299 Joe Mansueto $2.3 B $2 B 58 Chicago, IL investment research **********************************************
#300 Thomas Siebel $2.3 B $2.3 B 62 Woodside, CA business software **********************************************
#301 Richard Peery $2.3 B $2.2 B 76 Palo Alto, CA real estate **********************************************
#302 Ted Turner $2.2 B $2.2 B 76 Atlanta, GA cable television Buffalo Burger Chain**********************************************
#303 Pat Stryker $2.2 B $2 B 59 Fort Collins, CO medical equipment **********************************************
#304 Michael Jaharis $2.2 B $2.2 B 86 New York, NY pharmaceuticals **********************************************
#305 Vincent Viola $2.2 B $1.7 B 59 New York, NY electronic trading **********************************************
#306 Larry Robbins $2.2 B $1.7 B 45 Alpine, NJ hedge funds **********************************************
#307 Jim Breyer $2.2 B $2.1 B 53 Woodside, CA venture capital **********************************************
#308 James Coulter $2.2 B $2.2 B 55 San Francisco, CA private equity **********************************************
#309 Daniel Pritzker $2.2 B $2.2 B 56 Marin County, CA hotels, investments **********************************************
#310 Evan Williams $2.2 B $3.2 B 43 San Francisco, CA Twitter **********************************************
#311 Meg Whitman $2.2 B $2 B 58 Atherton, CA Ebay **********************************************
#312 Peter Thiel $2.2 B $2.2 B 47 San Francisco, CA Facebook **********************************************
#313 James France $2.2 B $2.1 B 70 Daytona Beach, FL Nascar, racing **********************************************
#314 Douglas Leone $2.2 B $2.1 B 58 Atherton, CA venture capital **********************************************
#315 C. Dean Metropoulos $2.2 B $2.1 B 69 Greenwich, CT investments **********************************************
#316 John Pritzker $2.2 B $2.1 B 62 San Francisco, CA hotels, investments********************************************** 
#317 Gerald Ford $2.1 B $2.1 B 70 Dallas, TX banking **********************************************
#318 Julio Mario Santo Domingo III $2.1 B n/a 30 New York, NY beer BURP!**********************************************
#318 Tatiana Casiraghi $2.1 B n/a 31 Paris beer **********************************************
#320 Bob Parsons $2.1 B $1.9 B 64 Scottsdale, AZ web hosting **********************************************
#321 Brad Kelley $2.1 B $2.1 B 58 Franklin, TN tobacco **********************************************
#322 Gordon Getty $2.1 B $2.1 B 81 San Francisco, CA Getty Oil **********************************************
#323 Jonathan Nelson $2.1 B $1.6 B 59 Providence, RI private equity **********************************************
#324 Scott Cook $2.1 B $1.85 B 62 Woodside, CA software **********************************************
#325 Chase Coleman III $2.1 B $1.9 B 40 New York, NY hedge fund **********************************************
#326 Alec Gores $2.1 B $2.1 B 62 Beverly Hills, CA private equity **********************************************
#327 John Brown $2.1 B $1.8 B 80 Portage, MI medical equipment **********************************************
#328 Noam Gottesman $2.1 B $2.1 B 54 New York, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#329 George Argyros $2.1 B $2.1 B 78 Newport Beach, CA real estate, investments********************************************** 
#330 Fayez Sarofim $2.1 B $2.1 B 86 Houston, TX money management********************************************** 
#331 Anita Zucker $2.1 B $2.3 B 63 Charleston, SC chemicals **********************************************
#332 S. Daniel Abraham $2.1 B $2 B 90 Palm Beach, FL Slim-Fast **********************************************
#333 Russ Weiner $2 B $2.5 B 45 Delray Beach, FL energy drinks ROCKSTAR**********************************************

#334 Robert Pera $2 B $2.8 B 37 San Jose, CA technology **********************************************
#335 John Farber $2 B $2 B 89 New York, NY chemicals **********************************************
#336 Ron Baron $2 B $2.1 B 72 New York, NY money management **********************************************
#337 Glenn Dubin $2 B $1.9 B 58 New York, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#338 Thomas Lee $2 B $2 B 70 New York, NY leveraged buyouts **********************************************
#339 Stanley Hubbard $2 B $2.1 B 82 St. Paul, MN DirecTV **********************************************
#340 Jon Stryker $1.99 B $1.8 B 57 Kalamazoo, MI medical equipment **********************************************
#341 Bruce Karsh $1.97 B $2 B 59 Los Angeles, CA private equity **********************************************
#342 Joseph Grendys $1.97 B $2.4 B 53 Chicago, IL Meat Processing **********************************************
#343 Jeffrey Lorberbaum $1.96 B n/a 60 Chattanooga, TN flooring **********************************************
#344 Howard Marks $1.96 B $2 B 69 New York, NY private equity **********************************************
#345 Edward Bass $1.96 B $2.3 B 70 Fort Worth, TX oil, investments********************************************** 
#345 Lee Bass $1.96 B $2.3 B 59 Fort Worth, TX oil, investments********************************************** 
#347 Jurgen Blickle $1.96 B n/a 68 Bruchsal auto parts **********************************************
#348 Jonathan Gray $1.96 B $1.6 B 45 New York, NY investments **********************************************
#349 Stewart Rahr $1.94 B $1.9 B 69 New York, NY drug distribution **********************************************
#350 Drayton McLane Jr $1.94 B $2 B 78 Temple, TX Wal-Mart, logistics **********************************************
#351 Nelson Peltz $1.93 B $1.8 B 73 Bedford, NY investments **********************************************
#352 Paul Singer $1.92 B $1.9 B 70 New York, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#353 Victor Fung $1.92 B $2.5 B 69 Hong Kong trading company **********************************************
#354 David Einhorn $1.91 B $1.8 B 46 Westchester County, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#355 Ronald Wanek $1.91 B $1.9 B 74 St. Petersburg, FL furniture **********************************************
#356 Joe Gebbia $1.9 B n/a 33 San Francisco, CA Airbnb **********************************************
#356 Nathan Blecharczyk $1.9 B n/a 32 San Francisco, CA Airbnb **********************************************
#358 Hamilton James $1.9 B $1.7 B 63 New York, NY investments ********************************************************************************************
#359 Robert Fisher $1.89 B $2.1 B 61 San Francisco, CA Gap **********************************************
#360 Mark Walter $1.89 B $1.75 B 54 Chicago, IL finance **********************************************
#361 William Fisher $1.89 B $2.1 B 58 San Francisco, CA Gap **********************************************
#362 Brian Chesky $1.89 B n/a 33 San Francisco, CA Airbnb **********************************************
#363 Norman Braman $1.88 B $1.9 B 82 Miami, FL art, car dealerships **********************************************
#364 Marc Lasry $1.87 B $1.8 B 54 New York, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#365 Henry Nicholas III $1.87 B $1.6 B 55 Newport Coast, CA semiconductors **********************************************
#366 Tom Benson $1.87 B $1.6 B 87 New Orleans, LA New Orleans Saints **********************************************
#367 Kavitark Ram Shriram $1.86 B $1.9 B 58 Menlo Park, CA venture capital, Google **********************************************
#368 Amy Wyss $1.85 B n/a 44 Wilson, WY medical devices **********************************************
#369 Linda Pritzker $1.85 B $1.85 B 61 Missoula, MT hotels, investments********************************************** 
#370 Jerry Yang $1.83 B $2 B 46 Los Altos Hills, CA Yahoo **********************************************
#371 Thomas Secunda $1.83 B $1.75 B 61 Croton-on-Hudson, NY Bloomberg LP **********************************************
#372 Phillip Ruffin $1.83 B $2.5 B 80 Las Vegas, NV casinos, real estate **********************************************
#373 Craig McCaw $1.82 B $1.9 B 65 Hunts Point, WA telecom **********************************************
#374 David Walentas $1.82 B $1.7 B 76 New York, NY real estate **********************************************
#375 Bill Haslam $1.82 B n/a 56 Knoxville, TN truck stops **********************************************
#376 Neal Patterson $1.81 B $1.55 B 65 Loch Lloyd, MO health IT **********************************************
#377 Rodney Lewis $1.81 B $2.5 B 61 San Antonio, TX natural gas **********************************************
#378 Manuel Moroun $1.81 B $1.7 B 88 Grosse Pointe Shores, MI transportation********************************************** 
#379 Kenneth Feld $1.8 B $1.8 B 66 Tampa, FL circus, live entertainment **********************************************
#380 Richard Yuengling Jr $1.8 B n/a 72 Pottsville, PA beer BURP!**********************************************
#381 Daniel Harrison III $1.79 B n/a 67 Houston, TX oil and gas **********************************************
#382 Peter Peterson $1.78 B $1.7 B 89 New York, NY investments **********************************************
#383 Jennifer Pritzker $1.78 B $1.8 B 63 Chicago, IL hotels, investments **********************************************
#384 Rainer Blickle $1.76 B n/a - Bruchsal auto parts **********************************************
#385 Yuri Shefler $1.76 B n/a 47 Geneva alcohol **********************************************
#386 Timothy Boyle $1.76 B n/a 65 Portland, OR Columbia Sportswear **********************************************
#387 Luigi Rovati $1.76 B n/a 86 Monza pharmaceuticals **********************************************
#388 Dan Snyder $1.76 B $1.7 B 50 Potomac, MD Washington Redskins Judge Meathead judged vs Redskins Trademark, the Indians could care less**********************************************
#389 Anne Gittinger $1.76 B $1.6 B 79 Seattle, WA Nordstrom department stores **********************************************
#390 H. Ross Perot Jr $1.75 B $1.9 B 56 Dallas, TX computer services, real estate **********************************************
#390 Louis Bacon $1.75 B $1.6 B 57 Oyster Bay, NY hedge funds **********************************************
#392 James Irsay $1.74 B $1.7 B 56 Carmel, IN Indianapolis Colts **********************************************
#393 Bruce Nordstrom $1.73 B $1.55 B 81 Seattle, WA department stores **********************************************
#394 Billy Joe (Red) McCombs $1.72 B $2 B 87 San Antonio, TX real estate, oil, cars **********************************************
#395 Catherine Lozick $1.71 B $2 B 70 Chagrin Falls, OH Manufacturing **********************************************
#396 Joe Jamail Jr,Esquire $1.7 B $1.7 B 89 Houston, TX lawsuits **********************************************

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